Employee Turnover Rates by Industry, Location, & Role in 2023

Knowing the turnover benchmarks for your industry, location, and roles is the first step toward improving employee retention in your org.  Where does your organization’s turnover rate stand against industry benchmarks? We’ve evaluated 100 million professional turnover data points to provide you with benchmark data around industry, location, and role.

How we collected the data

The turnover rates we’re sharing are based on the yearly figures of tens of thousands of businesses and can be trusted as an accurate snapshot of turnover in 2023. 

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Turnover rates by industry

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About Employee Turnover Rates

Understanding and managing employee turnover has become a critical aspect of organizational success. The saying "knowledge is power" holds particularly true when it comes to retaining top talent. Explore the 2023 employee turnover rates, which utilizes data from 100 million professional turnover points to offer insights into industry benchmarks, geographical variations, and role-specific trends. Knowing where your organization stands in comparison to these benchmarks is the first step toward improving employee retention within your company.

Industry Benchmarks

One of the key metrics for assessing employee turnover is industry benchmarks. By evaluating turnover rates specific to your industry, you gain valuable insights into the challenges and trends affecting talent retention. The 2023 data reveals significant variations across industries, with sectors such as technology experiencing lower turnover rates compared to the more dynamic sectors like marketing and hospitality. Understanding these benchmarks allows organizations to set realistic goals and implement targeted strategies to retain their workforce effectively.

Location Matters

Location plays a pivotal role in determining turnover rates, influenced by factors such as local job markets, cost of living, and regional employment trends. In 2023, we observed intriguing patterns in turnover rates across different locations. Metropolitan areas tended to have higher turnover rates, possibly due to increased job opportunities and competition. On the other hand, organizations located in suburban or rural areas showed lower turnover, emphasizing the impact of geography on employee retention. Companies must take these geographical nuances into account when devising retention strategies tailored to their specific location.

Role-Specific Trends

Job roles within an organization contribute significantly to turnover rates. Understanding the dynamics of turnover at the role level is crucial for targeted retention efforts. In 2023, managerial positions saw a slight increase in turnover, signaling potential challenges in leadership retention. Meanwhile, entry-level roles experienced higher turnover, pointing towards the need for enhanced onboarding and development programs. By recognizing role-specific trends, organizations can tailor retention strategies to address the unique needs and challenges faced by employees in different positions.

Evaluating Your Organization's Standing

Now that we've explored industry benchmarks, geographical variations, and role-specific trends, it's time to assess where your organization stands. Comparing your turnover rates against the identified benchmarks allows for a more informed analysis. If your turnover rates are significantly higher than the industry average, it may be time to reassess your retention strategies. On the other hand, if your organization outperforms the benchmarks, you can identify areas of strength and potentially share best practices with others in your industry.

In the ever-evolving landscape of employee turnover, knowledge is the cornerstone of effective retention strategies. By leveraging the insights provided by the 2023 turnover data, organizations can gain a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining top talent. Understanding industry benchmarks, geographical variations, and role-specific trends empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, fostering a workplace culture that prioritizes employee satisfaction and long-term commitment. In the pursuit of organizational success, employee retention should not be viewed as a challenge but rather as an opportunity for growth and innovation.

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